English Program

Creative Service Center offers free support and information for artists and freelancers working in the creative industries in Berlin.

Advice for artists and freelancers working in the creative industry of Berlin in English
Creative Service Center offers free advice and information for artists and freelancers working in the creative industries of Berlin. We help to develop and promote artistic and cultural projects.
We also organize and provide workshops and courses in marketing, promoting and funding of your creative ideas and support you on your way to becoming a successful artistic freelancer.
Find our current program and courses here. For individual appointments please contact us via the booking form.

We also provide workshops in marketing, promotion and funding of creative ideas and support you in becoming a successful artistic freelancer.

Any questions?
Do not hesitate to contact us!

1×1 of self-employment (EN)
11. 03. 2025 | Seminar
1×1 of self-employment (EN)
In this short seminar, we will give you an overview of what it takes to be or set up your own cultural-artistic-creative business. In addition to introductory inputs, we want to discuss your field of activity, your experiences and your unanswered questions. This seminar is fully booked. Please register for the additional date on March 17, thank you.
1×1 of self-employment (EN)
17. 03. 2025 | Seminar
1×1 of self-employment (EN)
In this short seminar, we will give you an overview of what it takes to be or set up your own cultural-artistic-creative business. In addition to introductory inputs, we want to discuss your field of activity, your experiences and your unanswered questions.
Einführung in die Kulturelle Bildung - Cultural Education: an introduction  (D/EN)
25. 03. 2025 | ARTPAED-Seminar
Einführung in die Kulturelle Bildung – Cultural Education: an introduction (D/EN)
Du willst dich im Kontext der kulturellen Bildung neu oder besser verorten? Dann ist dieses Seminar der perfekte Einstieg für dich!
Funding for Projects and Residencies - Berlin Art Grant Clinic
26. 03. 2025 – 27. 03. 2025 | Workshop in English
Funding for Projects and Residencies – Berlin Art Grant Clinic
Funding institutions - efficient budget - realistic time line - project description - artist statement - tips on portfolio: Boost your competencies in planning and applying for funding for projects or residencies especially in an international context!
Think big, Act Boldly. Vision Building for Creative Women*
13. 05. 2025 | Seminar für Frauen*
Think big, Act Boldly. Vision Building for Creative Women*
Explore the importance of thinking big to open new horizons and bring creative ideas to life. Be inspired to pursue your dreams and develop the courage to go your own way.

For taking part in our EU supported workshops we charge a €35 service fee. Please use our booking form for each workshop.

WeTeK Berlin gGmbH | Creative Service Center
Fehrbelliner Straße 92 |10119 Berlin
Telefon: (030) 48 48 03 03 | E-Mail: csc@wetek.de

The ARTWert VIII – Consulting & Qualification in the Cultural Industries program is co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund ESF+) and the State of Berlin as part of the “Qualification in the Cultural Industries (KuWiQ)” funding instrument and supported by the Pfefferwerk Foundation.