Workshop in English

Creative Business Model Design

Termin: 12. 08. 2020 | 9:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Veranstaltungsort: Stadtteilzentrum am Teutoburger Platz
Fehrbelliner Str. 92, 10119 Berlin

Understand, visualize and improve your creative business model
„One day I want to make a living of it.“ – a dream that many creatives and artists have but which sometimes seems difficult to achieve regardless of how talented or motivated you are. If you want to learn how to use your skills, talent, resources and know-how to create your own well rounded business this workshop is for you.

Let’s use the C-19 situation to reinvent our businesses and ourselves
Whether we let the current circumstances put a lot of pressure and stress on ourselves or see them as an opportunity to catch a breath, reflect, improve and reinvent largely depends on our perspective. We aim to follow and support the second path with this seminar.

If you are looking for an exchange of ideas and experiences about running your business in or from Germany while having a different language and cultural background or setting a business up here that has worked elsewhere, you will meet likeminded individuals as well as an interculturally experienced and aware trainer.

Together we will have a closer look at your artistic and creative approaches, processes and experiences and look for ways to connect and complement them with entrepreneurial thinking and action.

You will leave this workshop with your own Business Model Canvas – the blueprint for your (new) business, loads of feedback on your ideas and some new contacts.

Your Value Proposition – what your fans, customers and partners really value.
As a professional artist or creative you have to individually develop a growing audience. You will get a better feel for your offering, niche and audience and better understand

  • Your customers, what they value, where and how to reach them
  • Your unique set of skills, talents and processes and the business opportunities you can create with them
  • Networks, collaborators and potential partners that you can win for your mission

And you will get practical hints on how to turn new insight into opportunity for your new or existing creative business.

Methods and program

Circumstances permitting this course will be offered as an online-/offline-hybrid, meaning that you can join us in real life or online depending on your personal preference as well as room capacity (we are strictly following official hygiene regulations in our premises – physical distancing, masks, sanitizing of surfaces…). Please state „online“ or „offline“ as your preference in the comments section when signing up for this course.

As a result of this intensive one day course you will have developed an idea, a project or an artistic / creative endeavor into a thought out business model OR further improved and developed your existing business.

After a methodical introduction you will be working in teams of 2 or 3 on developing and  visualizing your business models. This approach is based on the Business Model Canvas method by Alexander Osterwalder. The course leader is a certified systemic coach, entrepreneur, marketing consultant and experienced supporter of creative ideas and people.


**This course is in English**

If you experience any difficulties with the registration form (German only for now) please drop us an email.


This course is for you if

  • you are an artist or creative individual with an idea or project you want to monetize (better) or a product or service you want to sell
  • you are a creative or artistic freelancer, entrepreneur or business owner and want to improve your business
  • you want to exchange ideas on how to pandemic-proof your business
  • you are new in Germany or have been living here for a while and find it easier to follow a course in English than in German
  • you are a local and want to get an international perspective on your business, connect and exchange ideas with creatives from different cultural backgrounds and practice explaining your business in English

1 day


Philipp Schwenzer
Coach / Consultant / Trainer

Philipp Schwenzer is a certified Systemic Coach and counsellor for the cultural industries, creative individualists, musicians und start-ups. Clients that want to improve their communication, marketing and entrepreneurial skills find dedicated support in seminars, workshops and individual coaching sessions. He facilitates creative business models from first ideas to vision, strategy and implementation. Philipp holds a Masters Degree in Strategic Marketing from Berlin University of the Arts.


This seminar is offered in cooperation with the Germany Israel Cultural Foundation e.V.


Buchungen sind für diese Veranstaltung geschlossen.

wird gesendet

Die Veranstaltungen des Programms ARTWert V - Professionalisierung in der Kulturwirtschaft  werden aus Mitteln der Europäischen Union (Europäischer Sozialfonds) und des Landes Berlin unterstützt im Rahmen des Förderinstruments "Qualifizierung in der Kulturwirtschaft (KuWiQ)" sowie von der Stiftung Pfefferwerk kofinanziert.
Unsere Beratungsleistungen und Netzwerkarbeit speziell für Frauen wird im Rahmen des Projekts "Beratungen / Netzwerke für Frauen aus der Kreativ- und Kulturwirtschaft" kofinanziert aus Mitteln der Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Gesundheit, Pflege und Gleichstellung, Abteilung Frauen und Gleichstellung.

Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme an ARTWert-Seminaren, -Werkstätten & Beratungen:

  • eine professionelle Tätigkeit als Künstler*in
  • ein Wohnsitz in Berlin
  • die fristgerechte Bezahlung der Teilnahmegebühr in Höhe von € 40.-. Wir senden euch nach der Anmeldung eine Rechnung per Mail. Eine Erstberatung ist kostenfrei.
    Die € 40.- umfassen ein Kontingent für den Zeitraum bis max. 15.02.2022:
    - von max. 40 Stunden/5 Tage für Angehörige der Freien Szene (Bildende Kunst, Darstellende Kunst, Musik, Buch / Literatur);
    -  von max. 20 Stunden/2,5 Tage für Kreative aus den Teilbranchen Design, Film, Presse, Rundfunk.
  • die Einwilligungserklärung der Teilnehmenden dient zugleich der Anmeldung zur Teilnahme an einer ESF-geförderten Maßnahme in Berlin und als Einwilligung zur Erhebung personenbezogener Angaben - wir benötigen den Teil C unterschrieben zurück, den wir euch auch vor der ersten Veranstaltung zusenden. Der Hintergrund wird in den Hinweisen für Teilnehmende erklärt.
  • das vollständig ausgefüllte Formular zur Teilnehmer*innenerfassung an einer ESF-geförderten Maßnahme. (Dies ist in den Anmeldevorgang integriert, füllt es bitte einmalig aus.)
  • die Teilnahme an einer Kompetenzfeststellung im Rahmen der (Online-)Seminare, Werkstätten und (Telefon-/Online-)Beratungen
  • die Beteiligung an zwei Verbleibserfassungen nach Abschluss der Teilnahme

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