Fehrbelliner Str. 92, 10119 Berlin
Sometimes you lack ideas, sometimes you have ideas but don’t know how to implement them in a project … In this seminar, you will learn how to deal with the different phases of project planning.
Topics of this seminar are:
- methods to develop project ideas
- project phases
- information needed to set the project framework
- dealing with time and budget planning
Teilnahmebeitrag: 35 € oder
Vorteilspaket 85 € (5 Seminartage einlösbar bis 31.12.2026)
Dieses Seminar kann als Basismodul für das „musicpaed“-Zertifikat angerechnet werden, Umfang: 8 Stunden
Dozentin: Annegret Rehse (Creative Service Center / WeTeK)
After studying musicology, Annegret Rehse gained experience in various fields of work in the classical music industry: from the artist’s and production management of various festivals to press and public relations work in agencies to many years of helping to shape the education program of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra and co-founding the Frequenz_Festival Kiel. Based on this expertise, especially in cultural education, she has been developing the musicpaed / ARTPAED further education program since September 2023.